
Tired of Not Feeling Healthy?

Our health is important and we all know this, but we live in a society where we seem to have "no time" for anything. Between work, family and friends there seems to be little time at the end of the day for us. Or so we feel anyways. The sad thing is that because of our go-go lifestyles our health is at risk.

I know that when I am go-go-go all the time and can't seem to find a bit of a break for me, my health does suffer. I will feel the stress more to the point where I get a bit depressed. I will grab for food that will fill a "hole" which may give me the energy I need to get through the task at hand, but little to sustain me. When I eat the "crap" food I gain a little weight, become depressed yet again over it, but because I have to "just get there" instead of taking an extra bit of time walking ... I take the car and forget exercise altogether.

Can you relate??

If you could take a time-out for yourself every day, you would feel so much more healthier both physically and not to mention mentally and you'll have even more energy.

So what do we do?? Well, for starters instead of thinking if we "could" take time-out, just take it! I know, I know easier said than done, but you know, think about what will happen if you don't take it, then where will you be for your family?? The time out will certainly give you the chance to ...

Free your mind of the stresses each day - a little time to ourselves helps us better cope with what we go through on a regular basis. If we are less stressed we have more energy and are just better able to deal with the hassles of the day better!

Get some exercise - a little exercise even if it's just 30 minutes a day it will go a long way in helping you feel healthy again.

More conscious about what you are eating - taking a time out gives us a chance to slow down and think about what we are eating or the diets we choose to go on. What we eat really affects many different areas, like how we feel and how much energy we have to do anything.

Weight is more under control - because we are exercising, eating right and have less stress and depression in our lives we have more energy and just feel a lot healthier than we probably have in a long time.

Tackle the big D - depression certainly takes a toll and everyone at one time or another experiences the affects of depression. However, if you take the time-out, get exercise, eat right then you aren't depressed over the weight you gain or over the other aspects of your life. You are better able to cope with everything!

What you will find throughout this site are ideas, tips, and information that will help you tackle all of these areas that affect us and with help us on our journey to feeling healthy again!


Mahmooda Aftab said...

i would like to read an article on weight loss at http://mahmooda-aftab.blogspot.com/
it might help you. thanks

Mahmooda Aftab said...

i would like you to read an article on weight loss at http://mahmooda-aftab.blogspot.com/
it might help you. thanks

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